Voice Training In Speech And Song - online tutorial

The Structure And Use Of The Vocal Organs, And The Means Of Securing Distinct Articulation.

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vili                                            PREFACE.
necessary that all who have to use their voices much in their work should have definite instruction in voice-training, and the necessity of it for teachers is being gradually realised by the educational authorities; the author sincerely hopes that all who are interested in voice-users will be able to find contained herein the information they require for their guidance ; so many of those in authority know that voice-production is necessary for teachers and yet scarcely understand what voice-production means. Teachers are often appointed to teach voice-production who them­selves do not know what voice-production is, and in con­sequence voice-training is frequently branded as useless; whereas if properly taught it is potent and sure. It does not follow, for reasons already given, that a teacher of singing or elocution can also teach voice-production. For the average teacher a training in voice-production is no good unless it is based upon the scientific principles already explained.
The author hopes that his readers will note how care­fully each exercise has to be performed in order that good results may be attained, and will understand that the physical education needed for the voice is of a very refined and delicate nature. No one realises more fully than the author how difficult it is to describe in writing exactly how an exercise should be done and how necessary it is that all voice-users should attend a class where practical instruction is given; yet he hopes that those who cannot possibly get the practical help will benefit by the study of these exercises and their purpose. Besides exercises for the control of the breath and of the articulatory move­ments, special exercises are given for every sound in the English language, and each sound is suitably described for the acquisition of distinct articulation. Connected speech